Tutte le recensioni
Holy shit balls. The first thing that came up in me when I pumping the wort into the fermentation tank. I always use a fine filterbag to filter the wort before it drops in the fermentationtank. With the use of the BacBrewing filter (equipped with the 400 insert) the extra filterbag becomes almost obsolete. Just a bit of cloggy trub from the hop remains. The rest is in the BacBrewing filter.
During the entire session the filter does the work perfectly. While maintaining a proper flow during al stages of the brew. Yes, do you need the upgrade ? Perhaps not. Do you want it, especially after using it, YES! Definitely. Very happy!
There is only one downside. There is some extra cleaning to do. But since that is the major part of your brewing day anyway... I don't consider that a negative ;-)
I might need to raise my expectations! When products are this well thought out, and executed, it makes me wonder.......should I dare need MORE? I'll be watching every product the BAC makes and I encourage them to focus on the Speidal line, if only to benefit myself!!!! Get something from this company, and be impressed as well. Cheers!
I purchased both the 0.9 and the larger mesh size filter screens and I am very happy how they work but what is better is that the edges of the screens don’t fray and become a hazzard when handling.
Speidel could learn from how these are made..
Very fast shipping from Italy to Australia.
Thank you BAC
This plate and screen has allowed me to brew higher gravity beers with an increase in malt capacity.
This is how Spiedel should deliver the machine in the first place. I should have bought this modification earlier.
Shipping was very fast. Thank you BAC for being easy to deal with with an international purchase.
Outstanding service custom made
Outstanding work on creating a modified 30cm trubstopper out of a 40cm diameter. One can hardly see that it once were a 40cm diameter. Very good craftmanship.
È possibile ordinare questo tipo di guarnizione in teflon. Dal momento che nel filtro è una guarnizione molto sollecitata ne ho prese diverse di scorta, in caso di eventuale rottura. Costo esiguo/qualità TOP!
Lo spessore deve essere di 3 mm e il diametro interno di 14 mm.
Ho acquistato questo filtro dopo averci fatto qualche pensiero, visto anche il prezzo. Ma vale ogni euro. Montaggio perfetto e facile, materiale professionale e ottimo. Nel frattempo ho fatto diverse cotte senza mai avuto più problemi con la pompa del Grainfather. Unica cosa da prendere in considerazione: La pulizia di tutto il set diventa un po più laborioso, dovendo ovviamente smontare il filtro e rimontarlo per la pulizia del Grainfather. Consigliatissimo.
Very stable on the bottom of my G30 v3. Very snug fit and thus slightly fiddly to insert. The malt pipe support ring retainer needs to be temporarly removed to enable insertion. The sharp edges of the false bottom do scratch the sides of the G30 if care isn't taken.
Have used with pellet and leaf hopsand works well with both with both.
Happy with this product
Abbiamo comprato questi afrometri per monitorare l'andamento della rifermentazione in bottiglia di alcuni vini. Risultano molto comodi e di facile lettura, unica nota negativa che abbiamo riscontrato è che per leggere la pressione corretta bisogna leggermente agitare le bottiglie, se no il valore risulta sottostimato. Potrebbe essere comodo accompagnare al prodotto delle brevi istruzioni su come utilizzarlo al meglio.
If even with clear water you have no flow you have other problems. Remember that the non-return valve must be disassembled and the spring and the ball removed which are of no use except to create problems
I have only Brewed once since i got this, next day i am going to brew the second.first impression Is fantastic, the festbier i Brewed came out Crystal clear, i found a lot of trub lying on the false bottom but the pump Washington not affected at all. i am curious to see how It Will go with heavy hops charge, for an IPA in example, Will try next months
Utilizzo lo springer da quando Bac lo ha realizzato. Anche la versione per GF lavora alla grande. Onestamente io pesto con cereali e problemi di flusso di ricircolo e stuck non è mai avuti. Adesso prenderò il dobbiamo fondo per il cestello GF. Così avrò il mosto il più pulito possibile.
Not used yet but very well made and very quick shipping to Australia.
I am only puzzled by the fact that i wanted the large 1.5 diam filter holes but this was not available with the disk when i ordered. i did however order it seperately and it shipped together, go figure!
I have now got a 0.9 and 1.5 filter disk when i really wanted two 1.5’s.
Apart from that, im happy.
BAC seems to make some very clever, high quality items and I would love to order more products, but charging so much for shipping does make sense in this day and age - especially within the EU. 5 star for the product, but -1 star for the shipping fees.
Unfortunately I can't do anything about the import taxes of the various countries.
There are nations that have low, others that have very high but it does not depend on Europe but on the country of destination and each nation has its own percentage of tax![]()
I've been searching for a way to ditch the hop sock/spider and avoid clogging the pump and return pipe. This is it.
Fits perfectly inside the grainfather and kept the hop material away from the pump. I was afraid 1 micron might be too small. And I did have a moment when transferring to the fermenter that the hop material clogged the false bottom and the flow of wort to the pump stopped. But a quick scrape of the false bottom with a mash paddle fixed it immediately and without difficulty. I do not regret going with the 1 micron.
Shipping to the US, I expected a long wait time. Instead, the false bottom arrived 4 days after placing the order.
I used the filter for 8 brews in total before writing this review. The filter is far superior to the standard GF filter. It was easy to install (8/10), it is easy to clean (10/10) and the quality of the parts is amazing (10/10).
Depending on your grain crush, you might run into issues with the filter. I do not mill my grain myself and the grain crush I get is finer than what I would do myself. Good for efficiency but not necessarily for the filter. Usually I have to clean it once during mashing (filter is blocked). This might seem annoying but it is absolutely worth it. I ordered the 400 and 800 micron inserts but only use the 400 one. The other is not usable with the grain crush I get from my home brew store. Beer is very clear and I am sure that my issues will disappear as soon as I get my own malt mill. Would definitely buy again! Already looking forward to receiving and testing the new products I just ordered. Quality and service are great at bacbrewing.com!
Unbelievably fast reaction time and shipping (24h). Box was labeled as 'fragile' without having requested – which i feel indicates the level of pride involved with a product which has been manufactured in-house. Needless to say, everything arrived safely. Upon close inspection the BacBrewing Hop Tube is a thing of beauty, exquisitely crafted and very likely unparalleled by any other similar product.
Usato per dryhop in due cotte si è rivalato fenomenale. Nessuna fuoriuscita di pellet e di conseguenza un notevole vantaggio in fase di imbottigliamento. Temevo una perdita di estrazione di aromi dovuta al fatto che il luppolo non fosse libero ma non è stato così, tutto perfetto ed astrazione ottima pari al pellet libero.
Qualità dei materiali e qualità costruttiva in pieno stile Bacbrewing, una garanzia!
Thanks for the tip. I try to find some other solution to facilitate the grip of the central screw. Unfortunately it cannot be high because it would obstruct the return of the must from the central overflow pipe.
Il prodotto è di straordinaria qualità, sia costruttiva, sia nei materiali.
Si monta con estrema semplicità, senza dover effettuare operazioni di smontaggio della rubinetteria della pentola boil, ma semplicemente avvitando il pezzo filettato.
Si può evitare di tagliare lo spring facendogli effettuare un doppio giro all'interno della pentola boil in cui è installato prima di fissarlo.
Non servono le guarnizioni (almeno, sulla mia pentola boil non son servite).
Il risultato è ottimo: niente intasamenti e filtrazione eccellente.
Lo consiglio a tutti i possessori di pentole "cinesi" (che a seconda del venditore cambiano nome, ma sempre le stesse restano...).
Vero, costa un pochino di più rispetto ad altri prodotti analoghi in commercio, ma la qualità è nettamente superiore .
Vale ogni centesimo del suo prezzo!
Il risultato semplicemente eccellente!
A really useful upgrade for the Grainfather as I have experienced the original internal filter blocking at the worst possible time.
I cannot understand why an external filter that can be cleaned during the brewing process is not included as standard.
This kit does everything it claims to do and I highly recommend it
Bought these 1.5mm filter discs as a replacement for the BM original fraying discs that have damaged my brewing gloves quite some times.
I was a bit surprised to see that also these discs have edges that are a bit sharp, not even close to the original discs but still a bit of a worry for long-term use.
I tested these filter discs with Braumeister's LODO kit and a crushing setting of 1.2mm and had no problems with clarity so I am happy. Cannot say if the efficiency was better with the 1.5mm discs compared to the original discs but I have had some issues with wort fountains before with a slightly tighter milling setting and the combination of a 1.2 mm setting and these more open discs worked out fine. Overall these are a nice upgrade of the original discs.
Long-term use does not deform and does not fray the edges because it is not a mesh but a sheet of inox with many holes so it is a single piece
Très bon upgrade pour mon grainfather G30, s'adapte parfaitement à la cuve, il filtre la plus grosse partie des particules (grains comme houblon en pellet) et ainsi le filtre original ne se bouche plus (ce qui arrivait de temps en temps lors du refroidissement-transvasement). Le nettoyage est facilité car il n'y a plus besoin de récurer le fond de la cuve qui reste propre. L'acier inoxydable utilisé pour ce filtre semble de bonne qualité. La livraison s'est faite très rapidement avec numéro de suivi. Bref, je dirais qu'il est devenu indispensable pour mon grainfather.
For some reason the system sent the evaluation requests before 15 days of shipment. The reviews module is giving me problems or perhaps for evidence of the transition to the new site. Thanks for the review anyway. In case you are not happy, come back to review the product.
Good beer![]()
Thank you for the evaluation. Unfortunately for non-EU transport I only have dhl express and it is not possible for me to change or add. The new site is coming and I hope that we can add new cheaper shippers, while also maintaining dhl
The idea and the craftsmanship behind this Springer Kit is great. However, after brewing with it over 20 times, I figured that the pump of the grainfather just isn't strong enough to deliver a decent flow rate while mashing. I tried literally everything to find a work around: using the Springer kit in combination with and without the false bottom. As well as cutting it to a smaller size for having it lay around the boiler wall very loosely. I also tried to adjust the water:grain ratio, etc. - nothing really seemed to increase the flow rate during a mash. It works pretty decent after the boil for filtering the trub out of the liquid, but it's kinda useless if the pump cannot handle it while mashing the grain. Until Grainfather hasn't improved its pump, I wouldn't bother to upgrade it with any other filter or Springer Kit. I'm juse using the false bottom without any filter/ Springer now. And this seems to do the trick.
Thanks for feedback. As per the product description, the flow is halved, it is normal. Any filter must pose an obstacle otherwise it wouldn't be a filter. From tests carried out, the pouring time is doubled. It is also true that the GF pump has no strength as it is limited to a head of only 1.5m
Materiali, lavorazioni e assemblaggio al TOP, come BAC ci ha abituato da sempre.
Provato ieri e funziona a meraviglia.
Per il test ho eliminato sia il filtro originale del GF sia l'hop basket, quasi tutto è stato intercettato dal doppio fondo, sia grani sfuggiti dal cestello di mash, sia luppoli in pellet gettati liberi in bollitura. Durante la pulizia, la base del GF dove lavorano le resistenze, era senza residui significativi e l'ho pulita in pochi istanti.
Che dire, io lo consiglio senza riserve.
Just to make sure that all the fittings are perfect, use this when you replace the original filter so that the bulkhead seals are all perfect.
Lost my comments on the filter itself, but the filter is a major improvment on the original Grainfather filter. It really made a difference in the clarity.
My suggestion would be to clean the filter after mashing so that it is clean and ready after the boil. It does make a difference again.
Very easy to install. You will need pliers as well as the hose clamp to the motor has changed from the one shown in the manual, but no issue.
Ran through my first brew and it made a HUGE difference in clarity.
My recommendation is to buy this with the bulkhead and change to whole Grainfather fitting.
My other recommendation is to clean the filter between mashing and fermenter transfer so that you start clean for each process. Again this is very easy to do.
The BM50 has about 3 gallons of dead space after the boil, and thanks to this nifty gadget I have virtually none. Shipping to the US was super quick and the product arrived just as advertised. I’m not using the coil filters (as I do a cold break settling step in a separate vessel prior to finally transferring to my FV) - the dip tube device works well on its own without the filter coil inserted. Only gave it 4 stars since I wish they sold the dip tube separately without the filter coil. All in all a fantastic product - a real must have for any BM50 user!
Grazie per la recensione. La guarnizione va inserita tra la parete esterna del GF e il filtro esterno. Non è che magari l'ha utilizzata tra il passaparete e la parete interna del GF? In questo caso si, avrebbe deformazioni dovute al montaggio errato
The product is of high quality and looks even better in reality than on pictures. It fits perfectly on my Braumeister 20L+ . It leaves 2.1L of wort in my Braumeister 20L which is better than 4.8L when used without the springer.
The problem with the springer is that you have to cut it yourself. It was impossible to cut, I destroyed my first pliers and when using a larger pliers I injured my hand and could not even make a dent. I found a video on youtube where a blow torch was used. I tried the blow torch approach several times, but the spring could not be cut off, probably due to not enough heat. I decided to make a last try with the torch and this time it broke when cooled down and bent, so I guess it became brittle.
Unfortunately my springer was bent due to my unsuccessful cutting with pliers, so it does not filter particles as good as perfect springer would, and therefore i can not evaluate how good it filters particles.
If it wasn't for the problem cutting the springer, it would probably get a five star rating.
Hello. As you can see from the video and the instructions attached to the product, cutting a springer is very simple, obviously you need a steel cutter. Using a flame is the worst that can be done for the deformation of the coils.
Like many have experienced, my original screens began to fray and separate. This causes safety concerns with with sharp edges when handling and also potential of metal pieces dropping in the wort.
After 3 brews using the new mesh screens, I did experience an increase in flow and thus efficiency. The BacBrewing also seem to not only stronger mesh, but also maintain is shape integrity for a more even flow. Very satisfied so far.
Ottima paletta
La uso con il grainfather.
Usandola la paletta whirpool originale del grainfather un bel vortice fino al fondo non mi è mai venuto e spesso splashavo il mosto.
Con questa girando al minimo della velocità e con un po di pazienza si fa un bel vortice che tocca il fondo senza mai splashare.
Materiale e lavorazione come sempre al livello di attrezzatura professionale, di certo non è regalata ma valutando qualità e funzionalità secondo me non costa neanche poi così tanto.
Questo rubinetto può essere completamente smontato per la pulizia (non è lo "smontato" che molte volte si usa per indicare che si può staccare dal recipiente, questo rubinetto consente di arrivare a pulire la sfera interna e ogni pezzo in cui scorre del liquido) ed è uno dei pochi che sono riuscito a trovare che monta dei cuscinetti in ptfe interi (1 per lato). Ultimamente se ne trovano tanti che ne hanno 2 per lato, il che rende complicato rimontarli.
Consiglio vivamente di smontare la valvola prima del primo utilizzo, dentro ci si trova un sacco di olio della lavorazione. Per la pulizia di questo olio si può usare della semplice acqua saponata con un successivo risciacquo.
Mi auguro che un giorno troverò qui sul sito il ptfe usato in queste valvola in vendita come pezzo di ricambio, potrebbe servirmi in futuro.
Definitely increases BMs capacity for grist by removing need for BMs moving supplied top plate and mesh which, although snug, does let grain escape up and over the side. The Bad Brewing plate sits firmly in contact all the way around the top of the malt tube to almost eliminate grist material from escaping over the top of the malt tube. Very solid and beautifully presented. Only downside is eye watering freight cost to Australia. Still recommended.
Worth the price.